Help to create a better future
At least 300 children in Kit Carson County need childcare. Help us fulfill this important need for daycare in our community.
Accessible Childcare
About the project
While over 500 children ages 5 and younger reside in Kit Carson County, there are only 39 licensed daycare spots. Roughly 300 young children in our county need childcare while no licensed spots are available for them.
Are seeking reliable childcare
Would be able to keep their jobs
Agree it will benefit kids & parents
In November 2021, BCCP conducted a community survey to assess the public opinion and need for a childcare center in Burlington.
Our Mission
Planting foundational roots in the mind and body of every child through early childhood education and nurturing care.
Serve 180 Kids
Including both full & part-time
Welcome All
Accomodating various incomes
Raise $4.5 Million
For marketing, building & hiring
Create Jobs
10 employees to start, 22 total
Community Impact
how you can help
Financial Needs
Community giving
- $34,756 of $500,000
- $150,100 of $2,500,000
Land and site prep
- $271,814 of $500,000
In-kind Services and fees
- $25,000 of $500,000
- $482,670 of $4,500,000
Mailing Address:
Childcare Center Project
PO Box 374
Burlington, CO 80807
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